Climate change

Lesson Plan: Education is Life – Fostering Environmental Consciousness

Grade Level: Middle School (6th to 8th)

Duration: 1 month

Objective: To instill a sense of environmental consciousness in students, emphasizing the importance of protecting the Earth for future generations and learning to coexist with the environment.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Visual aids (images, charts, and videos)
  • Laptops or tablets for research
  • Art supplies
  • Projector for presentations

Week 1: Introduction to Environmental Consciousness

Day 1: Why Education is Life

  • Discussion: Begin with John Dewey’s quote, “Education is not preparation for life, but Education is Life.” Please encourage students to share their thoughts on what this quote means.
  • Activity: Brainstorm critical terms related to the environment.
  • Homework: Research a historical figure known for their environmental contributions (e.g., Rachel Carson, Wangari Maathai).

Day 2: Historical Figures

  • Presentation: Students present their findings on environmental figures.
  • Discussion: Discuss the impact of these figures on the environment.
  • Activity: Create a timeline highlighting key events in environmental history.

Day 3: Earth’s Ecosystems

  • Lecture: Introduce the concept of Earth’s ecosystems.
  • Activity: Identify local ecosystems and the role they play.
  • Homework: Research a specific ecosystem in their region.

Day 4: Exploring Ecosystems

  • Presentation: Students share their research on local ecosystems.
  • Discussion: Discuss the importance of preserving local ecosystems.
  • Activity: Create posters illustrating local ecosystems.

Week 2: Investigating Environmental Topics

Day 1: Pollution

  • Lecture: Discuss various types of pollution (air, water, soil, noise).
  • Activity: Identify local sources of pollution and brainstorm solutions.
  • Homework: Research a famous environmental disaster.

Day 2: Environmental Disasters

  • Presentation: Students present their research on environmental disasters.
  • Discussion: Reflect on the lessons learned from these events.
  • Activity: Create posters depicting a world without pollution.

Day 3: Biodiversity

  • Lecture: Explore the concept of biodiversity.
  • Activity: Study the impact of human activities on biodiversity.
  • Homework: Research a threatened or endangered species.

Day 4: Endangered Species

  • Presentation: Students share their findings on threatened or endangered species.
  • Discussion: Discuss the importance of conservation efforts.
  • Activity: Create a class mural highlighting endangered species.

Week 3: Engagement and Evaluation

Day 1: Monthly Theme Introduction

  • Discussion: Introduce the monthly theme (e.g., water conservation) and its significance.
  • Activity: Brainstorm ways to conserve water at home and in school.
  • Homework: Implement a water-saving habit for a week.

Day 2: Monthly Theme Checkpoint

  • Discussion: Review students’ experiences with the monthly theme.
  • Activity: Evaluate their commitment to water conservation.

Day 3: Impact of Daily Choices

  • Lecture: Discuss how daily choices impact the environment.
  • Activity: Analyze the ecological footprint of daily actions.
  • Homework: Calculate their ecological footprint.

Day 4: Presentation of Ecological Footprints

  • Presentation: Students share their calculated ecological footprints.
  • Discussion: Reflect on the class’s combined impact.
  • Activity: Set personal and class goals for reducing their ecological footprint.

Week 4: Extending Environmental Consciousness

Day 1: Action Plans

  • Activity: Students develop personal action plans for environmentally conscious living.
  • Homework: Implement their action plans for a week.

Day 2: Monthly Theme Reflection

  • Discussion: Reflect on the effects of the monthly theme and individual actions.
  • Activity: Evaluate their progress and discuss challenges faced.

Day 3: Sustainability and Future Generations

  • Lecture: Discuss the importance of sustainable living for future generations.
  • Activity: Create a class vision board for a sustainable future.
  • Homework: Write a letter to their future selves about their commitment to the environment.

Day 4: Final Reflection

  • Discussion: Share the letters with the class.
  • Activity: Reflect on the month’s learning and personal growth.
  • Presentation: Share the class vision board with the school community.


  • Class participation and engagement in discussions and activities.
  • Presentation of research on historical figures, ecosystems, environmental disasters, and endangered species.
  • Evaluation of water conservation efforts and ecological footprint calculations.
  • Reflections on the monthly theme and the creation of action plans and vision boards.

Note: This lesson plan aims to inspire students to embrace environmental consciousness, promote sustainable living, and become responsible stewards of the Earth. It encourages them to view

Topic schedule:

  1. Climate – What is the difference between climate and weather? What is climate?  How does it affect living things? What is atmosphere? How are human activities causing the atmosphere to warmWhat can we do to conserve energy? What are some of the evidence that the atmosphere is changing? What is your carbon footprint? How can we reduce our carbon footprint?
  2. Freshwater & Food – How are climate changes affecting our food and water? Why is the conservation of water essential? How do we conserve water in our daily lives? Where does our food come from? How is our food supply dependent on our ecosystem? What is agriculture? Why is water and nutrition essential for living things?
  3. Wildlife – What are some of the ways climate change is affecting animals? How are droughts and floods concerning nature? How can we help preserve animal habitats? Why do we need to protect endangered species? What is wildlife conservation?
  4. Forest – How has climate change affected our Forests? Why is Forest conservation essential? How can we help protect animal habitats? What is deforestation? How is deforestation impacting our environment? 
  5. Ocean – Why is the ocean so important to Earth’s climate? How do scientists study the ocean’s ecosystem? How do changing conditions affect marine ecosystems? What can we do to help the ocean marine life? How can we keep our ocean clean? 
  6. Review and culminating activity – What are some of the lessons and activities that your students will be participating in? Make sure to cover all four content areas: Math, ELA, Social Studies, and Science. How will your students express what they have learned?

Daily focus: We will spend two months on each topic following the daily schedule as follows- 

Monday- introduction to the topic

Tuesday- research the topic

Wednesday- experiment/explore

Thursday – conclusion /connection

Friday – Wellness/self-care

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