LoFi – Low Fidelity Music

LoFi is a musical genre.

LoFi means ‘Low Fidelity’ which indicates the repetitive patterns of the composition and it implies the low recording quality. One of the characteristics of LoFi’s sound is that it tells listeners when the sound note will be reproduced or copied. In the late ’80s and ’90s, the LoFi term was used to indicate the recording quality of a particular album. Since listeners can easily predict the repetitive pattern, the producers labeled it as bad quality! Plus, the recording includes natural room noise in the background. 

Is Lofi Classical? LoFi is not classical. But one of the characteristics of LoFi sound is very identical in reference to the classical music composition. In fact, classical music follows a certain type of repetitive pattern that listeners can easily predict. There are supporters who think that the best trend to focus on the study is classical music compared to another musical genre. I have experienced that ‘LoFi’ wraps (e.g. flocabulary.com) are used in classrooms for motivating learners and achieving higher standards in an academic setting. So, the LoFi’s bad quality means a good type of bad to me. It helps learners stay on their tasks with the least distraction. 

LoFi is low quality on purpose. It protects listeners thinking from the unpredictable harsh outside world with its predictability nature and repetitive pattern. Once again ‘LoFi’ stands for recording quality and it is recognized for its repetitive pattern. The repetitive pattern of LoFi Sound is the reason that LoFi music becomes a music genre. I hope you enjoy it.  To further experience LoFi sound patterns and enrich your learning you may look into the mOhiKonTok LoFi sound that I have been creating on the youtube channel. Mohikontok channel contains a predictable repetitive sound pattern.

New Age genre

You may have heard about the New Age genre. It is necessary to include natural background noise like the sound of birds twittering, the phone ringing, the sound of tap water falling, or raindrops falling, etc. characterizes the track as New Age genre. Surprisingly this characteristic is identical when considering the LoFi genre. LoFi has been found to have similarities with the New Age genre at this point. LoFi includes natural room noise. But it does not have to be noisy. But if it is recorded in the studio but has the same repetitive pattern, LoFi that would be studio quality LoFi. The loFi genre is different from the New Age genre based on purpose. The LoFi sounds help to relax. The predictability nature of LoFi is the main reason which helps listeners to relax.

Think about a moment when we are looking ahead to relax. LoFi creates an environment to give listeners imagination power and think ahead while relaxing. I have experimented with the difference by listening to LoFi sound and comparing it to my regular music while studying or working out. Moving forward, Low Fidelity is the LoFi’s quality, beauty, and aesthetics. It is a good idea to use LoFi Sound depending on the mode to sleep, study, or work with.  

Modes are fathers of melodies

Music is therapeutic. If a musician wants to create a melancholic tone what mode he or she will choose to compose a song? There are a number of modes in music when it comes to composing music. Today I will be talking about modes in music. Modes are presented as fathers of melodies by Classic musicians. In North Indian Classical music there are ten modes known as fathers of melodies. Fathers are called ‘thaat’ in the Indian language, and melodies are called ‘raga’ or ‘Ragini’ in the Indian language. So, ‘thaat’ is the ‘mode’ and ‘raga’ is the ‘melody’ in correspondence to Western music. 

Now I will explain how modes and melodies are found. The melody that is called Raga is considered the male version, and Ragini is a female melody. Raga and Ragini are considered as children of a Thaat which can be categorized based on time – day, night, evening, or morning. Thaat and Raga Ragini can be formed based on nine-9 feelings (vaab rosh) too. There are children who take same name as their father’s, for example, Thaat Voirob has a child named Raga Voirob. Voirob is one of the 10 fathers or modes. Thaat voirob can be referred to as Phrygian mode. 

Understanding LoFi Phrygian mode. The Phrygian mode is generally formed on the key of E so does ‘Thaat’ Voirob too. It is possible to create voirob melodies on a minor scale, but I prefer a major scale to create Phrygian melodies. The instrument will be ready to create melodies in Phrygian mode when all notes are tuned naturally except the 2nd and the 6th note. If I make the 2nd and 6th notes flat in any major scale, the melodies will be in the Phrygian mode. The time to play melodies in Phrygian mode is midnight till early morning. There are so many Ragas (Melody/ gig) of the father (Mode/Thaat) Voirob (Phrygian). There is another feature of Phrygian mode. Thaat and Raga Ragini can be categorized based on emotion or feelings too. My recommendation would be, if listeners are in a sad mood, they will look for inspiration by listening to songs that are composed in the Phrygian mode. The vocal can sing notes according to the scale and notes as discussed. Music is therapeutic but not all music will be therapeutic.

Understanding LoFi Lydian mode. Among the modes, Lydian (Kolyan) is to be played in the evening according to the North Indian Classical music ritual. Melodies are called Raga or Ragini. Today’s subject is Raga of Kolyan. It is the Lofi sound in Lydian mode. All notes are natural except the 4th note. The 4th note’s position on any major scale should be one-half step up (sharp) towards the 5th note. For example, If I tune a Major scale on the key of E, in Ukulele, the 4th note would be A#. How to play Rag Yaman in Guitar? I have tried to play Rag Yaman on C major scale with an emphasis on F# note. All other notes are natural (shuddho). It may be played using the Key F# minor scale; but to me, it does not sound as good as in the CMaj scale. It’s easy to remember it as Rag CMajF#. The local name of the F# note is Kori /Tibro Maa as known in Indian classic music. F# is the most repeated note in the Lydian mode.

Lofi Sound in Lydian Mode: The songs in Lydian mode are to play in the evening between 6 pm to 9 pm or 10 pm. The best time to play a song in Lydian Mode is in the evening. It creates blessings. If songs are played in Lydian mode during the day or late at night, It is will reproduce an atmosphere of the evening. It creates a feeling of blessings between the hours of day and night. Everything is showered with blessings. It assures motherly blessings. Blessed like the children when the mother is close. 

Even a deaf child can feel the vibe of blessings, though the sound though unheard to his or her ears. The notes create sound waves measurable in hertz which alters the atmosphere. I highly recommend listening to songs composed in Lydian mode during the evening time. Children need attention and reassurance more than ever. Melody in Lydian mode may be an appropriate substitute resource of reliable assurance. The songs are composed in Lydian mode on the key of C in C major scale.

That Ashavori: Raga Ashavori.

That Ashavori is the father of Rag Ashavori. Raga Ashavori has siblings. It is a very interesting fact that the child Ashavori takes the name of the father Ashavori. Hope to write more details about this melody soon. An interesting fact: The marriage of Ashavori and Kolyan creates a Mishro Rag (Mixo Lydian). Which could be played in any Major Or Minor scale. 

Mishro Rag (Mixo Lydian)

THAT Kalyan (Lydian mode: time to play@Evening), THAT Bhairab (Phrygian mode: time to play @ Dawn/ Morning), THAT Ashavori (Aeolian mode: time to play @Late morning) respectively creates an atmosphere of Blessings, Devotion, and Understanding /tolerance/sacrifice. There are so many Ragas (Melody gig) of these Fathers(Mode). Ragas are like children. Raga Yaman is a child rag of That Kolyan. It’s a ritual for a musician to play Rag Yaman in the evening from 6 pm till 10 pm. It is a good idea to sleep, study, or work with LoFi Sound depending on the mode. Make the change in the selection of music today. Have a blessed evening. 

Lydian mode: time to play@Evening), Phrygian mode: time to play @ Dawn/ Morning, Aeolian mode: time to play @Late morning respectively creates an atmosphere of Blessings, Devotion, and Understanding /tolerance/sacrifice.

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